Monday 30 July 2012


Anybody that knows us knows that we like beer. We like to drink it, brew it, cook with it, but most importantly, we like to try other peoples beer. One of our favorite activities that we consider VITAL when traveling anywhere, BREWERIES!! how many are there and do we have time to see them all. As luck would have it The Gambia has 1 and we have plenty of time to visit provided its not a: Weekend, Religious holiday, Friday, Fasting, Too early, Too late, or a Spontaneously declared public holiday.  We have driven by numerous time to what seems to be a boarded up warehouse. My last call to inquire about tours went a little something like this; "Hello, do you have tours?" --"Juice?"-- "No, Tours"-- "Juice?" "No, No, Tours you know like tourists?"---"Juices?"--"Nevermind" We will keep trying until success is achieved. They Brew 3 beers; Julebrew, Julebrew Export, and Guiness.  Julebrew is a basic lager that could use more flavor, a slice of lime really helps it. Julebrew Export (made right here, nothing exported about it) a bit darker and stronger not a bad beer though. Then the Guinness is actually pretty good, we have been told that its the original Guinness recipe, brewed and bottled right here. Very rich, with coffee and chocolate more flavorful than what we are all familiar with. Over 7% ABV. They also do quite a bit of soft drinks, for the strict Muslim population. I will repost if we ever get a tour.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you found a brewery to visit. We had birthday lunch at Seven Brides on Sunday (29th). Had the sampler tray then a Blackcat Porter. I'm getting use to some of their beers; blackcat, oatmeal, belgin ipa, abby, and some others are pretty good. Enjoy the beers but stay away from the coconut wine.
