Saturday 6 December 2014

More on Beer

This past Monday I was invited back to Yasigi Beer Garden the little craft brewery that I found a couple weeks ago. The head brewer asked if I wanted to assist on brew day as a guest brewer. Of course I said hell yes ill be there. I was there at 10am and 7 hours later I had officially participated in the brewing of 1000 Liters of beer. It was a great day, and the icing on the cake is that I convince the brewer that we need to make an IPA next week to cater to more refined taste like many of the expats here in Kampala have. Most African like a very mild relatively tasteless light beer, nothing with much flavor body or alcohol content. I am going to try to change that and help this guy expand the palate a bit. I also met the owners and they are totally on board with my experimentation and told me I am welcome to come brew as much as I wanted as long as they don't have to pay me. I can handle that for now. Next week the first IPA in Uganda will be born. (Insert evil laugh here)

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